Vera Traub

Vera Traub, Photo: Barbara Frommann / Universität Bonn
Photo: Barbara Frommann / Universität Bonn

Address:   Prof. Dr. Vera Traub
Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics
Lennéstr. 2
53113 Bonn
Office: Room 306
E-Mail: (lastname) (at)

I am a professor at the Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics at the University of Bonn and a member of the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics.

My research interests are mostly in the areas of combinatorial optimization and approximation algorithms. Some specific topics I have worked on recently are the traveling salesman problem, vehicle routing, connectivity augmentation, and Steiner trees.

I obtained my PhD in 2020 from the University of Bonn, where my advisor was Jens Vygen. Afterwards I spent two years as a postdoc in the group of Rico Zenklusen at ETH Zurich.
For my PhD thesis I received the Richard-Rado Prize, the EATCS Distinguished Dissertation Award, and the Hausdorff Memorial Prize. Recently, I received a Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize and a Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize.

I am an Associate Editor of the journal Mathematics of Operations Research and I am/was a member of the following program committees:
SODA 2025, FOCS 2024, ESA 2023, ICALP 2023, HALG 2023, SODA 2023, FOCS 2022, APPROX 2022, IPCO 2022, WAOA 2021, ESA 2020.


Approximation Algorithms for Traveling Salesman Problems
with J. Vygen.
Cambridge University Press, 2025.

Further Publications and Preprints