Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics

Lecture Course "Chip Design"

Summer Term 2009

This course is suitable for students in the Diploma programs who have already attended some discrete mathematics courses. It is also part of the Master's Programs in Mathematics and Computer Science. Basic knowledge in combinatorial optimization is required.

We discuss theory and practice of chip design. Many applications of combinatorial optimization will be shown. Recent theory, algorithms, and implications of new chip technology will be discussed. The course covers topics in routing, placement, timing analysis and optimization.

This course is in English. Unfortunately, there is no suitable textbook yet. Instead I distribute some lecture notes.

Class Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12-2 pm (12:15-13:45)
Room: Gerhard-Konow-Hörsaal (in the Arithmeum building, Lennéstr. 2)
Exercise Classes: Dr. S. Held, Wednesdays 4-6 pm (16:15-17:45). Web page for the exercise classes

Prof. Dr. J. Vygen