Jens Vygen: [English Homepage] [Deutsche Homepage] Publications [Projects] [Students] [Courses] [Lectures] [Committees]


  • V. Traub, J. Vygen:
    Approximation Algorithms for Traveling Salesman Problems
    Cambridge University Press 2024
    (to appear)

  • B. Korte, J. Vygen:
    Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms
    Algorithms and Combinatorics 21, Springer
    First Edition 2000
    Second Edition 2002
    Japanese Edition 2005
    Third Edition 2006
    Fourth Edition 2008
    German Edition 2008
    Second Japanese Edition 2009
    French Edition 2010
    Italian Edition 2011
    Fifth Edition 2012
    Second German Edition 2012
    Chinese Edition 2014
    Russian Edition 2015
    Second French Edition 2018
    Sixth Edition 2018
    Third German Edition 2018
    Third Japanese Edition 2022
    More Information

  • S. Hougardy, J. Vygen:
    Algorithmic Mathematics
    German Edition 2016
    English Edition 2016
    Second German Edition 2018
    Chinese Edition 2020
    More Information

  • J. Vygen, J. Byrka (Eds.):
    Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
    (Proceedings of IPCO 2024)
    LNCS 14679, Springer 2024
    More information

  • J. Lee, J. Vygen (Eds.):
    Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
    (Proceedings of IPCO 2014)
    LNCS 8494, Springer 2014
    More Information

  • W.J. Cook, L. Lovász, J. Vygen (Eds.):
    Research Trends in Combinatorial Optimization
    (Bonn 2008)
    Springer 2009
    More Information

Selected papers (newest first):

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